For your convenience, FantasticStay provides you with the ability to change your prices for any specific listing and any desired date or period of time in two easy ways - from your MultiCalendar & Listings section.
To change your prices from the MultiCalendar, follow these steps:
Go to the MultiCalendar section on your FantasticStay dashboard
Select the desired date for the desired listing
In the window that will pop up, adjust the price
Save changes
You can filter the listings by city and tag and easily adjust your property's prices for holidays, weekends, etc.
If you'd like to adjust prices in bulk, you best do that from the Listing section. From there you can apply the same filtering options.
To change your prices in bulk from the Listing section, follow these steps:
Go to the Listings section on your FantasticStay dashboard
Select the listings you want to adjust the prices for
Click the Edit button on the top right corner
Fill in the fields
Save changes
That will allow you to adjust your security deposit, extra guest fee, cleaning fee, and %Mark-ups for any channel, excluding Airbnb.