FantasticStay's Dynamic Variables ("DVs") are like smart placeholders for data. When used effectively, Dynamic Variables can be an extremely powerful tool for increasing efficiency in messages, automations, and saved replies. Each Dynamic Variable pulls in data from somewhere else when an action involving the DV is executed.

Dynamic Variables List:

Reservation Variable Description
{{guest_phone}} The phone number on file for your Guest.
{{guest_email}} The e-mail address on file for your Guest.
{{guest_name}} Your Guest's full name as it appears on the reservation.
{{guest_first}} Your Guest's first name as it appears on the reservation.
{{guest_last}} Your Guest's last name as it appears on the reservation.
{{integration_nickname}} The internal nickname of the Host Airbnb (or other channel) account.
{{host}} The full name of the Host as it appears on the booking channel.
{{host_first}} The first name of the Host as it appears on the booking channel.
{{host_last}} The last name of the Host as it appears on the booking channel.
{{checkin}} The check-in date of the Reservation. The date format is displayed according to your date format Settings at the Account level.
{{checkout}} The check-out date of the Reservation. The date format is displayed according to your date format Settings at the Account level.
{{planned_arrival}} The Guest's planned arrival time, if set in the Reservation.
{{planned_departure}} The Guest's planned departure time, if set in the Reservation.
{{listing}} The title of the Listing, as it appears on Airbnb or the applicable listing channel.
{{listing_nickname}} The internal nickname of the Listing.
{{listing_address}} The full address of the applicable Listing.
{{listing_address_city}} The city of the applicable Listing.
{{host_payout}} The net payout that you are going to receive from the booking channel.
{{host_service_fee}} The Host channel fee for the Reservation.
{{transaction_fee}} The transaction fee
{{owner_revenue}} The Owner revenue as set by the Listing's Owner Revenue formula.
{{net_revenue}} Your net revenue as the property manager as set by the Listing's Net Revenue formula.
{{revenue}} Your net revenue after channel commission. This includes any additional fees like cleaning fee, service charges, etc.
{{balance_due}} Balance due
{{base_price}} Base price
{{cleaning_fee}} The cleaning fee for the Reservation.
{{currency}} The currency for the Reservation.
{{notes}} The Reservation notes.
{{guests_count}} The number of Guests on the Reservation.
{{children}} The number of Children on the Reservation.
{{infants}} The number of Infant on the Reservation.
{{nights_count}} The total number of nights booked in the Reservation.
{{confirmation_code}} The Reservation confirmation code from the applicable channel.
{{checkin_time}} The default check-in time for the Listing.
{{checkout_time}} The defult check-out time for the Listing.
{{fantasticstay_user}} The user on the FantasticStay platform.
{{emergency_contact}} The emergency contact, as set on the Listing.
{{main_contact}} The main contact, as set on the Listing.
{{channel}} Reservation source
{{reservation_id}} Reservation ID
{{listing_id}} Listing ID
{{reservation_status}} Reservation Status
Payment Variable Description
{{transaction_error}} The error returned by the credit card processor.
{{transaction_channel_id}} The transaction ID of the credit card processor.
{{transaction_description}} The transaction's description.
{{transaction_amount}} The amount of the charge.
{{transaction_last4}} The last 4 digits of the credit card on file, you've tried to or charged.
{{integration_nickname}} The internal nickname of the Host Airbnb (or other channel) account.
"Next" Variable Description
{{next::checkin}} The check-in date for the next reservation.
{{next::checkout}} The check-out date for the next reservation.
{{next::planned_arrival}} The planned arrival for the next guest (if provided).
{{next::planned_departure}} The planned departure for the next guest (if provided).
{{next::beds_to_be_prepared}} The number of beds to be prepared for the next reservation based on guest count.
{{next::notes}} The notes text added in the notes field for the next reservation.
{{next::guests_count}} The guest count for the next reservation.
{{next::nights_count}} The number of nights for the next reservation.
{{next::confirmation_code}} The confirmation code from the booking channel for the next reservation.

NOTE: Dates and times applied to the "Next" variables are based on the applicable listing's time zone. The date and time formats applied to variables are based on your FantasticStay settings. Fee and currency formats are based on the listing settings in FantasticStay.


When you type a message using the {{guest_first}} variable, the data that is substituted for {{guest_first}} is the guest's first name as it appears on the reservation. So what does that look like in practice where an Airbnb guest tries to book and the guest's first name, as listed on the Airbnb profile is "John"?

Message appearance when written with DV:

Hi {{guest_first}},

Thank you for booking with us. We're looking forward to hosting you. We'll be in touch closer to your check-in date with arrival instructions to ensure a smooth check-in and a fantastic stay!

All the best,


Message appearance when sent with DV:****

Hi John,

Thank you for booking with us. We're looking forward to hosting you. We'll be in touch closer to your check-in date with arrival instructions to ensure a smooth check-in and a fantastic stay!

All the best,


With a very comprehensive list of Dynamic Variables, you can create templates for automated messages like check-in instructions that you can apply to multiple listings. Let's look at a more complex example.